Our Core Features

We build shipping software for you to exceed your customer needs

Pre-shipping Modules

Streamlining pre-shipping processes to enable smooth shipping & compliance

Address Validation​
  • Normalize address
  • Catch any address errors
  • Identify residential addresses
  • Never miss specifics like suite #, apt #, etc.
  • Eliminate late deliveries
  • Avoid costly penalties
  • World class customer service
Denied Party Screening
  • Real-time check with the denied party list(s) of your choice
  • If any address changes during order entry or shipment execution, automatic re-checking
  • Ability to easily add custom rules to create shipments blocks (overdue payments, sudden government restrictions, etc.)
AESDirect/ACE Filing
  • Pre-file with AESDirect/ACE and get an ITN number within seconds
  • Avoid manual entry and errors
  • System auto-determines carrier SCAC and port of export
  • System auto-files if actual carrier SCAC, port of export, and date of export differ from original
  • Save time, be compliant, and avoid costly penalties

Rates & Ship Method Selection

Always choose the most optimal ship method for each shipment

Rate Shopping
  • View all available carriers/service level options for that order/shipment
  • View published and discounted rates
  • Estimated delivery date
  • Empower your customer by giving them a choice during order creation
Business Rules Engine
  • Customer preference is not selected, your business rules will drive the automatic selection of cheapest ship method that meet the delivery due date.
  • Easily maintain rules,  priorities based on any shipment factor like weight, geography, day of the week, etc.
Spot Quote
  • Ability to reach out to any number of carriers for a spot quote
  • Easy quoting process via an email link
  • Greater control by specifying pick up date/time(s), delivery date/time, maximum bid, auto-selection, auto-expiry, etc.
  • Email notifications
  • Integration back to the shipment execution and auditing

Shipping Modules/Features

Seamless, optimized, and automated shipment execution

Shipment Execution
  • Packing with weighing scale integration
  • Integration with all carriers to transmit shipment data
  • Capture published and discounted freight cost
  • Capture tracking number
  • Update tracking number and freight cost back to ERP
Visibility with POD
  • End-to-end shipment tracking
  • Email notifications SMS
  • Milestones with location and local date/time
  • POD Name, date/time, location
  • Signature Proof of-Delivery
  • On-time delivery report
  • Exceptions (Delayed/Damaged shipments) report
  • Alerts/notifications
Invoice Auditing
  • Electronically receive invoice data
  • Maintain tolerances
  • Reporting on accruals
  • Auto-approval & manual review process for approval and rejection
  • Catch common errors/discrepancies like:
    • Weight & volume discrepancies
    • Charge discrepancies
    • Late deliveries
    • Missing PODs
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We provide seamless solutions to Small, Medium and Large Businesses. Whatever you ship, we can help.


Phone: +1 (225) 320-7450
Email: [email protected]

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